I ordered a iDRAC Enterprise card for a customer's existing R410 and shipped it to the data center, working with the tech to get it installed, but it seems that the machine didn't even have iDRAC Express - it had only the BMC (Baseboard Management Controller). The surprise: The iDRAC6 Enterprise requires the iDRAC6 Express to be installed, and Express is not always included in a server. Really nice to be able to install Linux remotely when the customer drops in a CD.
Express is a low-end version that doesn't do much I care about, but the Enterprise version gives VNC access to the console. I'm a huge fan of the DRAC (remote access card, like HP's ILO), and it comes in two flavors.
I love Dell gear, but now and then run into unhappy surprises (such as this one), and I like to give a heads up to others.